Tuesday, September 4, 2007


11- Mrs Crabtree's name is not Alice


11- Mrs Crabtree's name is not Alice


Today, there are a lot of people who think that abortion is wrong. They believe that it is a way of killing an innocent person. But the most important question is who have the right to choose abortion? The mother or the government? Many of these people feel that woman’s right is so important that she should be allowed to choose to end the life of her unborn baby.

Decide between the life or the death (of a developing baby) is a very difficult and agonizing decision for the mother. The pregnancy woman can choose have an abortion, but it doesn’t mean that she will have a normal and a good life with this decision. Perhaps it impact the rest of her life, because there can be physical complications and emotional aftermath.

Other possibility is that the mother has the baby and decides to keep with her. But if the woman is not in position to parent her child, she can place her baby for adoption.

In USA there is a rule, from 1973, that say unborn humans are not legal persons. It says pregnancy woman have the last right to choose to kill her unborn baby, because she has the property of her own body. However a woman has a right to her body, this new and totally different being is not part of her body.

The abortion industry offers a violent solution to her problem: abortion. In contraposition pro-lifers have many women helping centers where they collect maternity and baby clothes and adopt children more frequently than in other organizations. The main idea of these centers is avoid mothers get damage themselves or kill the fetus.

But is abortion right or wrong? The answer of this question is in our conscience. Nobody can tell us how to think or feel about a something. But it is determinate by different factors, like the way we were educated, our religion, the society were we grow up and live, our moral convictions, etc.

By the way, I consider the life of a human starts from the moment of the conception. In my opinion, every person has the right to live and no one is the owner on the live of someone to choice between her or his life.