Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Conjunto Arquitectónico de la calle Sarmiento y la Plaza Urquiza.

Architectonic Joint of Sarmiento’s Street and Urquiza Square.

This street is an artery of the city. There is situated North district and many elegant and outstanding houses from beginning of the XX century. The complex is integrated by three important edifices: the San Martin Theatre, the Legislature and The Casino of Tucuman.


It was built in 1911 by Faustino Da Rosa, an architect from Portugal. In the beginning the building used to be The Savoy Hotel, but from 1957, the Casino has opened its doors for “tucumanos” and tourists.
Visitors arrive along a spacious lobby even the plays room where they can find different tables of poker, black jack, roulette and a lot of slut machines. Tourists could enjoy of shows and café concerts in the restaurant or maybe, they can take a good drink on the bar.
The Casino account with a big place parking, air-conditioning in every room and a place where people can change foreign coins, as well as an efficient security system. Now a day, this edifice is one of the biggest casinos of the country.
For people who like the adrenalin of the chance games this is a great alternative to have a good time and enjoy the holidays.
So...make your bets!!

San Martin Theatre:

San Martin Theatre is the principal theatre of San Miguel de Tucuman. The building was inaugurated in 1912 with the name of Odeon, but in 1959, the theatre was renamed with the actual denomination. It was design like a liric theatre and it has an excellent acustic from all the corners of the room.
The building is seat of the Ballet, Corus and Theatre of the province and it can receive at 900 spectators. It is open every day for people who want see the plays and enjoy of the rehearsals.



The building used to be the casino of the city but, from 1983 it has been seat of the Legislative Provincial Power. The Legislature is one of the most impressive neoclassic buildings of San Miguel de Tucuman.


Urquiza Square:

The square is situated in the middle of North Distric and it is sorround by the buildings of the Colegio Nacional, the Legislature, the Casino and the Theatre San Martin. It stand out for the beauty of its green spaces where young people spend their free time. It account too whith games for kids.
As well as the fountains visitors can find the monuments of general Justo Jose de Urquiza and the famous writter Jorge Luis Borges.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007



















Who can solve the mystery?

Alec Crabtree was found dead at his desk in his study last night. He had been hit on the head with a blunt object. He had been sitting at the desk with his back to the door, and was in the middle of writing a letter. He was found by his wife, when she went in to bring him his bedtime cocoa at 11:15pm but his watch, which had been smashed in the struggle, had stopped at 11:05pm. The suspects are the people who were in the house at the time: Mrs. Crabtree (the dead man's wife), Daniel Crabtree (the dead man's brother), Mr. and Mrs. Fairfax (old friends of the Crabtrees), and Susie (the maid).

The murderer was Mrs. Crabtree because:
She was wearing red, and they found a piece of red material on the window. Everybody smokes except Mr. Crabtree and the maid, and a cigarette end was found near the body.
Mrs. Crabtree’s name is not Alice and she had a note in her purse saying Alice was waiting for her husband outside and it joust happens that Mrs. Fairfax’s name is Alice.
She and Susie were the only ones that weren’t watching T.V. with the guests, but
Susie was washing the kitchen.
The window was open. No one saw Mrs. Crabtree go outside but she came in through the front door.
The silver vase missing from the room, the weapon she used, was found in a flowerbed outside. She must have thrown it when she made her perfect exit through the window. Then she went into the kitchen and started to make cocoa fot herself and her husband. When she went to serve the cocoa to her husband she “discovered” him.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


11- Mrs Crabtree's name is not Alice


11- Mrs Crabtree's name is not Alice


Today, there are a lot of people who think that abortion is wrong. They believe that it is a way of killing an innocent person. But the most important question is who have the right to choose abortion? The mother or the government? Many of these people feel that woman’s right is so important that she should be allowed to choose to end the life of her unborn baby.

Decide between the life or the death (of a developing baby) is a very difficult and agonizing decision for the mother. The pregnancy woman can choose have an abortion, but it doesn’t mean that she will have a normal and a good life with this decision. Perhaps it impact the rest of her life, because there can be physical complications and emotional aftermath.

Other possibility is that the mother has the baby and decides to keep with her. But if the woman is not in position to parent her child, she can place her baby for adoption.

In USA there is a rule, from 1973, that say unborn humans are not legal persons. It says pregnancy woman have the last right to choose to kill her unborn baby, because she has the property of her own body. However a woman has a right to her body, this new and totally different being is not part of her body.

The abortion industry offers a violent solution to her problem: abortion. In contraposition pro-lifers have many women helping centers where they collect maternity and baby clothes and adopt children more frequently than in other organizations. The main idea of these centers is avoid mothers get damage themselves or kill the fetus.

But is abortion right or wrong? The answer of this question is in our conscience. Nobody can tell us how to think or feel about a something. But it is determinate by different factors, like the way we were educated, our religion, the society were we grow up and live, our moral convictions, etc.

By the way, I consider the life of a human starts from the moment of the conception. In my opinion, every person has the right to live and no one is the owner on the live of someone to choice between her or his life.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

the earthquake in Perú

Main Ideas:

Last Wenesday a terrible earthquake slaughted the west cost of Peru. It had a sad result: lots people died and lost their home, and a church collapsed whith a lot of devotes inside. the president sent troops to the cities of Pisco, Ica, Cañete and Chincha Alta to protec the people from steals. Hundred of residents of these cities are hungry, but President Alan Garcia said that the Estate has already sent trucks with food.

According to local news media reports, much of armed robberies reported in Chincha Alta and Ica. The authorities attributed some of the crime to escaped prisoners from a prison in one of the cities. Hundreds of prisoners escaped after one of the prison’s walls crumbled in the earthquake.

But the help is coming: some countries, like Canada, Japan, Italy, France and Spain, are sending money to cooperate with all those people who has lost their homes.

Personal reaction:

I think that is a big problem that need all people cooperate to restablish the situation. The big problem are the loots, but the police is working in it. The population have t keep the calm and work together because they are going throught a roof moment.


Loot: (verb) to despoil by taking loot; plunder or pillage (a city, house, etc.), as in war.
(verbo) saqueo.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My photo

Creative writing piece

The roses are red,
the sky is blue
and my eyes
are shining for you.

I like the sea,
I like the moon,
but more than that
...I like you.

The grass is green,
your lips are pink,
and this poem sucks!
...don't you think?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pame...in fifty words

I'm a fun person who has a lot of friends. I'm not so quiet, but I can live with that. According to Anto...I'm very stubborn...and I think that is true! If I want something...I find it. I'm a little bit crazzy but this is my best feature.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Blenheim Palace

Main Ideas:

I have to prepare a class for a subject and the topic is the Baroque of 1700s.
One of the most beautiful examples of this style is the Blenheim Palace, situated in Woodstock, just 8 miles from Oxford (England).

Blenheim was building began in 1705 by Sir John Vanbrugh, to celebrate victory over the French during the Wars of the Spanish Succession. The building is one of the biggest palaces of the country. It was a present of Queen Anna to the First Duke of Marlborough.

When tourists visit this place, they can see examples of craftsman ship and treasures collected over the last 300 years. Moreover, the Palace has beautiful and spacious gardens, like The Pleasure Gardens.

The palace was the birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill, so people who visit it can see the ‘Churchill Exhibition’, set around the room where he was born.
In 1987, Blenheim Palace was declared Universal Patrimony of the Humanity by the UNESCO.

Personal reaction:

In my opinion Blenheim as beautiful as Versailles (France) is.I think that is an interesting place to visit, full of history.


Craftsman: a person who practices or is highly skilled in a craft; artisan.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The beauty....a big problem?

Recently, I read an article on a magazine, about ''the beauty''. It talks about the conceptions of beauty in different cultures, and that is projected in our's called the western culture.
The writter gave an example of an old village called Padaungs. It's women, known as '' the giraffe women'' wear many rings on their necks to measure they beauty. The padaungs insert to little girls rings on their necks, provoking a stretching of their necks wich is forced and painful.
From our point of view, these forms of beauty are very cruel. In spite of that, impositons of the forms of beauty of the present western society are even worse than the padaung's. Now a day, being beautiful means bieng thin, not having wrinkles, having a perfect body, etc.
These impositions, wich affect mostly women, provoke a decrase of people's self-steam, an increase of the fear of not being accepted by others, it originates a rejection of sexual relationships, among other problems.
Western women try to avoid these problems through painful, tedious and dangerous practices that mistreats the body.
The writter proposes that we leave aside the ''new impositions'' of beauty and that we return to revaluate the power of communication, the feelings and the sensitivity in order that people can accept themselves just as they are.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Something about me......

I'm Pamela, I'm 19 years old...and this is my short story:

I am from Mar del Plata(MDQ), a beatiful city in the coast, but right now I'm living in Tucuman with my family. I have two brothers, but they are youngers than me, and I used to have a rabbit called Andres, but I had to give him to a friend because I couldn't bring him with me to Tucuman.

When I lived in MDQ and when the weather was good, I used to go the beach after school every day. Of course, I had my responsabilities too (hahaha)...for example I used to study English on an institute and went to practice swimming.

But one day something happened! A few years ago, when I was 15 or 16 (I don' remember now) my dad told me that we were moving to another province. At first I didn't like the idea because I had all my friends in MDQ and everyhing that I wanted there. But now...I can say that I really like Tucuman...it's a nice place to live. However, I go back to Mar del Plata every summer and I stay there two or three months, it depends of when start my classes.

I'm studing Tourism in the University, it's my second year studing and I think that it's a great carrier. I like every class...or almost every class, because they're enjoyable. Fo0r example, this blog is for my English class. But I have to say something...to say the thruth, I hate write!...sorry Charlie! ...but I'm doing my best...I promise!

Ok...this is not everything about me....but I think that is all for now!